Fashion dolls on ms paint

Hi! fashion and art blog is all about my creations on Microsoft paint. A mixture of art and fashion. Here beautiful animated dolls will display fashion.
Introducing "ARGON"...

She is argon, and do you know, why she named so??? because of her designer dress with florescent  colors that are been used in her dress. And her dress shines in even darkness.
The ornaments increased her beauty like- the beaded head gear, beaded bracelet, pink diamond-shaped earrings with green beads and of course, the waist belt.
 NEXT IS...........MANDY

A super-cool, carefree chic with retro look. looks funky in pink palazzo, green tank top and florescent green pumps. Her look enhanced with her head gear and pink- shiny studs...
HOPE GUYS YOU LIKE IT...............
